View Profile ChaoticBrain

78 Game Reviews

12 w/ Responses

Okay game, horrible name.

It seems like a fun and simple concept, but there are a couple problems. The jumping feels a little too weak, and on more than one occasion, I had a ground and air obstacle at the same time, making it impossible to jump past.

Also, Scaterix?? Scat-erix??? That sounds like the name of a bad porn game. What was wrong with calling it Skaterix?

nacholopez responds:

I'm from Spain. I named this game because of Skater --> Skaterix --> Scaterix.

I like it!

Excellent game.

Just a few more tweaks to the engine, and it'll be perfect.

First off, give the player the option to remap their path, without needing to die and go through the cutscene again. Second, if the player dies, give the option to change node placement without remapping their path. Third (though this would require a lot more effort than the first two), instead of simply saving upgrades but not unspent AP, record the AP high score for each stage and at which stages the upgrades were bought.

Now that's more like it!

I expressed concerns in the last game over how it looked like you were losing your edge, but you really knocked it out of the park this time. The huge problem that plagued the last game - tons of completely useless collectibles and shortcuts that were no more than a waste of time - was fixed brilliantly by making every single collectible useful in some way. Were many of the powerups on the sidepaths total cons and timewasters? Oh absolutely, but I felt like I was being rewarded for exploration anyway.

Fantastic. Simply fantastic. If you're serious about this being the very last entry to the series, then I don't think you could have done a better job.

P.S. I literally laughed out loud at the final boss.
P.P.S The bananarang is made of win.

Everything is way too random.

There is no rhyme or reason as to what objects are "most important." Things like elephants and rulers make the randomly-generated list while gems and necklaces apparently don't make the cut. Objects are placed in completely arbitrary positions, blend into the background (being similarly colored), and plenty of them look like they were pasted in as an afterthought, disregarding the laws of physics entirely. And that's just the first level.

I don't feel like I'm investigating a room. I feel like I'm examining a middle-schooler's collage assignment for art class.

Itsa me, Mario!

Excellent game. Top notch programming, nostalgic-as-hell graphics, and the "Normal" difficulty is just challenging enough. I was planning to curse you out at first for making the Normal level boss' firing pattern practically unavoidable... until I happened to accidentally stumble into the solution (stand real close to him before he jumps, and he'll miss you every time).

My main complaint: most of the powerups are either only usable in niche situations (especially the C.Cane) or completely useless (S.Spread), making the basic weapon the weapon of choice over 95% of the time. I get that the special powers are supposed to be that - special, but I almost never get to use them. It almost seems pointless to have ammo rechargers at all, since a round of each is probably all you'll ever need, even if you die.

I still cannot fathom how to get at that life at the beginning. No doubt you placed it there with the intent that it could be gotten by a persistent player, but fuck me if I can't figure out how to get at it.

But given that these are the only things I have to gripe about, I'd say you did a top-notch job. I'd give it a 10 if there were more levels. (Hint hint)

Lambtaco responds:

There are two effective ways to dodge it. That one's the easier way.

I'll admit C. Cane was pretty useless other than climbing walls, but S. Spread is really good at killing enemies above you or below you, or shooting over the shields of the bulldozers, not to mention the REALLY obvious one.

You don't know what C. Cane is for, lol. Check the gameplay video on the main page of my site. You'll be smacking yourself.

I don't know. An 11% increase in score for a 1200% increase in work. I think I'll stick with a short game. At least for now.

Too fast, too much memorization.

This game is really frustrating (once you reach the savior, and definitely by the clown), not only because you need an impossibly fast reaction time to stand a chance, but also because it requires an insane amount of memorization. I don't doubt that you had an easy time beating this game, but keep in mind that you were working on the same game for several weeks, so you've had plenty of time to have the codes beaten into your muscle memory forever. Most of us don't have several weeks' worth of patience to master a flash game that we'll probably never play more than once.

Pretty good.

I think the Pac-Man theme is pretty cute, even if it doesn't really fit into the context. However, I don't like how the level completely restarts every time you die. If you're not able to beat a level in one life the first time, you're probably not going to fare much better on your remaining two tries. Either make it so that the level doesn't restart when you die, or let there be unlimited lives (but not both).

New and improved!

This is a significant upgrade over the previous installment. Timing plays a much bigger role than before, and objects placements can have completely unexpected results, making building machines that much more fun. I have to say, however, that the first few levels really betray the amount of new content, because it doesn't become apparent just how much it's been improved.

I suggest starting the player at "Level 0", where all the parts you will encounter in the game have been placed to create a complex chain reaction, and the player only needs to switch the power on to make it work. Give the player a taste of power, and showcase all the amazing things they'll be able to do.


It's a simple enough game, and the concept of eating smaller things, while old, is still fun. But it misses the mark for me for a few reasons:

First, it takes just a little too long to get to a higher level of destruction. There's just not enough to consume to keep me entertained in the time it takes me to go up a rank.

Second, the mine clouds add nothing to gameplay. They only provide a constant annoyance and serve to remind you that no matter how powerful you get, you can always be destroyed. Simply having more tornadoes would be enough, I think.

Third, there's almost nothing to destroy, and what little there is, you have to wait until you're at full level before you can start having some real fun.

It's okay, but...

Why can your ship wrap around the screen when enemies and bullets can't? Horizontal wrapping itself is barely justified, but vertical wrapping? It's a bizarre design choice that misses the entire point of bullet hell games.

Mitchell Bandes @ChaoticBrain

Age 36, Male

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Joined on 8/21/10

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